
For choker

Fragile, please avoid dropping on a hard surface.

Please note that the components can easily slip from the choker – which can be both advantageous and problematic. You have the flexibility to remove or add some beads, but there is also a risk of beads falling off. 

Please exercise caution and remain mindful.


 For jewellery with horn details

Fragile, please avoid dropping on a hard surface.

Horn beads are easy to  get  scratched  that can lead them to become a bit duller with time.

Please exercise caution in this regard.


For jewellery with  light colour components  

Fragile, please avoid dropping on a hard surface.

Wooden  and bone beads, especially white ones, have a tendency to absorb water, cream, and foundation, which may result in them getting marked and the fading of their colour.

Light colour sea shells, raw  and matte stones are prone to getting marked by foundation and creams. 

Please exercise caution and try to avoid or at list  to reduce contact with these substances.


For jewellery with golden coral beads

Fragile, please avoid dropping on a hard surface.

Vintage natural golden corals have rather delicate surface structure  and have a tendency to absorb water, cream, and foundation, which may result in them getting marked and the fading of their colours and foliation.

Please exercise caution and try to avoid or at list to reduce contact with these substances.